Journey to Perth (Day 1 & 2)
It's a crisp, cold Friday, and I'm here in the heartland of Perth, writing my first entry of this long anticipated trip. A feeling no one could explain, the irony of how warm I feel deep inside when all that surrounds me is an ice-cold ambience. I'm finally back here after 5 years!
This is the first time I'm actually away from my parents after nearly 6 years. The last couple of times I boarded a plane without them, it was due to my school's exchange programme in different parts of China. Well, being apart from them now, indeed makes me a little homesick, but I guess it's time I learn to depend on myself. Haha.
Took off at 12.30 in the noon yesterday, and only managed to find our way to the apartment around 8 in the night. If you guys don't already know, the stores in Aus close extremely early on most days... And we, (okay me in particular) were starving so badly and all the stores were either closed or have already stopped serving food by the time we arrived. I felt terrible :(
Thankfully, we rushed to the nearest supermarket, and grabbed some food back home to cook before they put up the shutter.
Following are some photos from the airport till we got to our house in Perth yesterday!
As for today, there's only one word to describe how I feel... EXHAUSTED. I'm so drained out, and I hardly have any clue what I'm typing right now because I barely slept last night. Spent hours tossing and turning before I could finally fall asleep, but in no time, the sun rose, and the landlord's dog, Alfie was like the rooster in every children's book. *Cries*
Spent half a day finding a place to rent a car, then had lunch at this really good burger place, headed to Kings Park for some pictures thereafter, and finally got some groceries before we drove back home. Saviour/tour guide of the day has gotta be our friend back in S'pore, Amander. She recently came to Perth to further her studies, and we decided to catch up with her since we were here.
Everything still feels surreal. Really looking forward to the rest of the trip, I hope it doesn't end so quickly! Be back for more tomorrow if I could! :)