Journey to Perth (Day 5 & 6)

I believe those of you who follow any of us on Twitter would already know that our rented car got smashed and we got robbed.


Yeah, which explains why I didn't have the time nor mood to blog last night. By the time we got back from the police station, it was already past midnight.

In case you guys were wondering, we are all physically fine... Just that I actually suffered from a mental breakdown after the whole incident. I swear I was petrified. Both mine, and Charis' bags got stolen and I lost my iPod and Samsung camera. On a positive note, at least we didn't lose our money or anything really important. Anyway, I uploaded a few images of the car, you can scroll down to take a look if you're curious.

Nonetheless, yesterday was actually a pretty good day. Did some shopping at Westfield Carousel (where the whole sh*t took place) and caught The Fault In Our Stars. I loved it! It was a tiny little little little bit draggy at some parts, but overall, if you're a hopeless romantic like I am... You'd probably like it too. Could easily drown myself with the tears I shed. 

Some say that they loathe how Augustus didn't tell Hazel about his illness right from the beginning. I however, beg to differ. I believe even if she knew, she wouldn't have left, just like how he stayed for her. At least they both formed a beautiful memory together. Knowing it earlier wouldn't make her feel at ease at all. Well, that's just my take. Watch the movie if you haven't and judge for yourself!

I hope you die a horrible death you evil person (people) who stole our things and smashed our car.

As for today, we just took a short drive to Hilarys Boat Harbour to have lunch and snap some photos. It's so so so cold today, I almost died as a snowman. Nothing fascinating happened (I guess nothing beats getting robbed hahaha) So I'm just gonna end it off here. Happy Mid-week!

It required a whole lot of tolerance, against the terribly cold wind to take these pictures! Just saying.

This bunch of people are awesome!