My three years of experience with Gushcloud

 8 MAY 2015 Update: A lot of you know that I took this post down the day I posted it. That was because I was told back then that it was the wrong time and as much as I didn't want to bring harm to anyone, I couldn't help but feel bitter that I wasn't able to express my side of the story. But oh well, now that all the drama has subsided, I have decided to live it again.


I guess 3 years ago, I picked a path and embarked on a new journey that has made a significant difference to my life; Never would I have known I'd be back here today reconsidering my choices.

I am no longer your 16 year old sweetheart. 3 years back, I would've kept my lips sealed and sucked it up but that's no longer the case. For a good 2 years, abiding by my managers' preferences regardless of my own interest was something I was taught to believe that all bloggers were supposed to do. - It wasn't until last year when I started to question the unusual operations of Gushcloud because of an insane amount of questionable incidences.

Disclaimer: This post is written based on my 3 years of working experience with Gushcloud and the reason I'm writing this is not to defame Gushcloud nor to jump on the bandwagon of the entire Xiaxue/Gushcloud saga.

I thought it's just time I finally clarify something - I HAVE NEVER BEEN CONTRACTED TO GUSHCLOUD.

I know it may come as a surprise to many of you because I've always claimed to be their "influencer/blogger," but it was only because I was being gracious towards them.

As one of their pioneer bloggers I thought I would be in an appropriate position to give my honest comment on everything that has been happening because it seems like none of the influencers dare to breathe a word on how they truly feel nor to air their grievances even though I'm aware that many of them would agree with the things I'm about to say.

How it started...

It all started in early 2012 when I was approached by both, Nuffnang and Gushcloud at the same time to be contracted as one of their bloggers.

I eventually chose Gushcloud because they offered me much more than what Nuffnang did - And because I was pretty young back then, my dad stepped in and took over all the discussions.

As my dad has over 20 years of experience in the advertising industry, I trusted him when he suggested that I shouldn't sign the contract and be tied down to Gushcloud, so I didn't and I never did.

However, despite not signing, I was rather faithful to them (or should I say naive?) and agreed upon any requests they asked for. I took up every assignment that was given to me even when my dad repeatedly stressed that I wasn't fairly paid and I shouldn't. I didn't heed any of his advices and even fought with him every time we had a conversation pertaining to Gushcloud.

How it went down...

As far as I know, in 2012 most of their payments to me were never punctual and everything accumulated up to xxxxx amount in that year alone. Their reason was always, "Clients have not paid us yet." I don't know if that's true, it's still a mystery to me until today.

There were several times where external companies came to me and wanted to engage in my services, however I was reprimanded by my manager and was told that I should pass them any jobs henceforth. Which I did.

However, for some unknown reason, almost every potential client didn't revert to me after Gushcloud handled it on my behalf.

I was not alone in this, even Jian Hao experienced similar situations too.

Just so you know, Jian Hao, Danial Ron were recommended by me to join Gushcloud at the beginning of 2013 and not long after, Julian Tay, Yahya, Ridhwan came along because of Jian Hao.

After I got closer to Jian Hao, I was then introduced to some other people of the same industry in early 2014. And as time passed, I started to discover how I was severely underpaid and was paid even lower than many other bloggers in the market whom statistics and engagements were far lesser than mine.

I wasn't exactly pissed or anything, because I always thought it was already a privilege to be earning that sorta money, but I was a disappointed and one thing for sure, I kept my cool and continued working with them - The only different thing from then on was that I learnt how say "NO" to the things I felt uncomfortable doing or which devalue my worth.

There were many other reasons which contribute to my official departure, but I guess I'll let bygones be bygones and I suppose there isn't a need to point them down for every single petty mistake they've made, but that doesn't mean that I agree with the things they've done or are still doing whether is it to me, or to someone else.

All in all, I just wanted to say that some of them were really nice and offered help when I needed, but I started having my doubts when I learnt many things about them.  

Were they were really nice, or did their public facade masked a side of Gushcloud I never knew about?

At some point, I felt like I was just their money making tool and perhaps the friendship we had wasn't real.

I must admit I'm pretty close to a few of the staff from Gushcloud and because they have been looking out for me and provided me with the little things I asked for on several occasions, I always found it hard to sever ties with them because I chose to believe they aren't what people think they are.

However, the person who would once be the first to stand up and say "I believe in Gushcloud" has turned into someone who isn't able to make an affirmation on whether they are capable of all the things which people are talking about. - Which is why I have decided to make it clear that I'm no longer part of their committee.

And dear clients or potential business partners, you can now contact me directly at for any business enquires.

Thank you. :)

Difficulties of being an arts student

Just a little bit of background knowledge - I'm 19 this year, finishing up my second year diploma in Arts Management, NAFA.

What's Arts Management about?

Basically we take similar subjects as compared to Business Management students but we're more specialised in the arts scene.

How long is your course of study in NAFA?

Just like any other poly students, I'll graduate after my third year.

Today, I'd like to share with you how I feel about being an "arts student."

On the surface, I may lead a glorious life as an online personality but in reality, I'm just like many other 19 year old who wakes up before the sun rises and attends school on a daily basis.

The only difference between going to a normal poly/JC in Singapore as compared to an arts school, is that we actually don't receive as much respect or recognition as we rightfully deserve.

I'll give credit where it's due and I'm glad that over the last couple of years, the arts scene has been blooming and young talents are now more publicly acclaimed. 

Sadly, we know that until today, the masses have not gotten rid of their traditional thinking that "IF YOU STUDY ARTS, YOU HAVE NO FUTURE." What's sadder is that it is pretty true.

In all honesty, because of how I was brought up to think that way and because of how it's drilled into our minds that studying the arts would potentially land you jobless, I can't deny that I initially feared choosing this path as well. (But just in case you were wondering, no I've not regretted a day picking this route.)

I must say that I've always looked at life through rose-tinted glasses and although I do get random moments where I'll freak out and worry about the future, I'll tell myself that people will eventually realise the true importance of art.

Everything's art, even the smart phone you're using to read this post now is a combination of arts and sciences.

And it's disheartening because whenever I tell someone that I'm studying in an Arts school, I could tell by their immediate reaction/expression that they feel like I'm dumb and my existence wouldn't even make a change in Singapore's economy in the years to come lol.

It pisses me off when I tell someone that I've exams or assignments and they respond with things like, "Arts school not draw only meh why got exams one?" or "It shouldn't be too difficult to just submit a few drawings." Like, fuck you?!

Even though my course doesn't require us to paint, draw and design as much as the other courses in my school, I'm very much aware of how much effort these people put in. I've many sleepless nights for just one single design, so can you picture how it's like for them to have to come up with more than 100 sketches for a single submission?

Anyway, I just wanna add on that I personally feel that there's absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing the arts. If you're passionate about something, go for it?

Just so you know, many of my schoolmates came from JCs and Polys previously and majority of which scored pretty well during their O's, but they chose to this path because they believe in something they love.

In case you think I'm writing this because NAFA paid me to, no they didn't, I'm just so bothered by how we're being viewed and critically judged by the society in our country's context.

I hope you guys would continue to follow your dreams and not be held back by how the older generation would tell you what's wrong and what's wrong, what's good and what's not.

I'm really glad that my parents are very supportive of the idea because my dad believes that it's better to be street smart than book smart. Which is true, cos what's the point of have a world full of knowledge from the things you read when you've never truly experienced what it is like in the outside world?

Yes, it is a fact that artists tend to graduate with limited places to go and are usually paid a lot lower than the average, but why conform to these norms and beliefs when in actual fact, a true artist would actually have the ability to pave their own paths and create opportunities for themselves?

That being said, I just wanna extend this invitation to those of you who are interested in listening to more on what me and a few of your other favourite online personalities such as, Jian Hao, NOC, Ridhwan, Danial Ron and more have to say! Join us at our motivational talk session which my classmates and I are hosting on the 19th of March, Thursday 2-5pm @ Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. 

More on Instagram page and don't forget to register via 

Email for any queries.



Getting my new tattoo.

Some say tattoo's a form or art, some call it an expression - I call it remembrance. 

Sorry I took so long before I came up with this post guys. At this point in time, I'm not exactly sure if there's still a single soul reading my blog because of my inefficiency and lack of updates - Have been putting so much focus on my school work that I neglected this space of mine that I took years to build.

Sometimes I ask myself if it's worth it; Is it worth it to actually forsake my (pretty) well-paying job for my studies? After all, my passion is still in writing and will school help me realise my goals? What if I don't get the job I want? What if my job doesn't pay as well in future? WHAT IF I CAN'T EVEN GET A JOB? What's a starting pay of $3000 (If I'm lucky enough to hold a degree) today? Will that be enough? At the rate of how everything is increasing significantly in price, can we even afford to buy ourselves a filling meal with $2, 50 years down the road?

I've so many thoughts in mind. What should I do? Should I drop out of school now? But if I do, what if my career goes down? What am I gonna depend on? Should I at least get a cert first? But school is adding so much weight to my shoulders. How am I supposed to maintain a 3.8 GPA while I sustain my position in both my blogging and vlogging career? There's only so much one can do isn't it?

Work wise, I need minimally 3 days to take photos, blog, come up with a script, scout for locations and do up a video. School wise, I spend at least 4 hours a day on my school work. Not to mention, my school starts at 9 everyday and the latest it ends is at 6/8 in the evening. Above all of these that I've to commit, I need time to do my regular activities and spend adequate time with my loved ones too... So what now?

It's crazy! I've accumulated up to 158 chats on whatsapp 280 & texts messages and everyday I get people cursing me for not replying their messages lol. Hahahahaha #sorrynotsorry

It all boils down to perseverance doesn't it? How much I want it. How much time and effort I'm willing to invest just for the life I long for.

I love challenges, I love it when I have so many things to do because I feel driven this way. I feel like I'm living everyday with a purpose. I want to be not only good, but the best at everything I'm doing. It's pressurising, but I WANT IT SO BAD.


With that said, I got this tattoo to remind myself the obstacles I've faced throughout my life; represented by the mountains.

The wolf in this case, signifies me as a person. How wolves are strong by nature and always excited for challenges. My designer put a lot into the sizes as well, ensuring that the mountains (obstacles) are not too big so that they don't overpower the wolf (me).

Like they say, it's not about the destination but the climb right? The heights are worth the climb because I believe it's gonna be beautiful when I finally reach the summit.

The last 6 years of being exposed to the social media scene wasn't the easiest thing that has ever occurred to me, in fact it was one of the hardest. Can you imagine receiving up to 50 comments a day telling you that you're ugly and all sorts of other nasty comments 6 years ago, at age 13? Hahaha. It was crazy. Sometimes I've no idea how I survived till today.

Which is why I wanted to remember these moments in my life. Struggle, pain, happiness - All the sweet and bitter moments made me who I am today. All in this tattoo. :)

It's amazing how all these were explained in words and translated into an image with the help of my designer.

Done at Primitive Art // Designed by Aeriel // Artist Douglas

Visit their Facebook for more info.

14 Scotts Road, Far East Plaza #04-101/102, Singapore 228213

Contact 9712 5736 for any enquires.