Cat Inspired Makeup and Hairdo for Halloween.

Hey darlings! Honestly speaking, I've never experienced dressing up for Halloween in my entire life and I guess this year isn't an exception, but in spirit of occasion, I decided to share with you guys my all time favourite cat-inspired makeup and hairdo - Suitable for both, short and long hair.

First, wash and condition your hair - Not only is it important to keep you hair fresh and tamed, but you'd want your tresses to smell good! Unless... you don't? :p I've been using the Sunsilk Co-creations (Nourishing soft) shampoo and conditioner for the longest time.

Before you begin, all you'd need are two fuzzy wires (you can choose any colour or something close to your hair colour), two hair ties (optional) and 4 bobby pins. For the fuzzy wires, I got a packet of 15 (15mm in thickness and 30 cm in length) from Art Friend for around $5.00

Trim it to your desired length and make sure it's neither too long nor too short.

Next up, blow-dry your hair, brush through thoroughly to prevent any knots. Start by sectioning your hair into two! At this point, you can choose to apply some hairspray to hold your hair in, but I'm skipping that step in this case. As my fringe is relatively long, I'm using the front part of my hair to create this look. If you've short bangs, an alternative would be to grab your hair from the middle portion instead.

Once you're satisfied with the parting, place the wire on that portion of hair and fasten it with a bobby pin. You can use more if you wish.

Part one side of the two sections into 3 and start braiding! If you've no idea how to braid watch how to do so (here)

You can first secure it with a hair tie or just pin it down right away like I did. The lazy people's method hahaha. Lastly, just bend it accordingly and make sure that the ends are as pointy as possible! Repeat the same for the other side. :D

Here are just some simple steps to the makeup!
  1. Apply your usual make up (foundation, powder, brows)
  2. Put on some black/brown eyeshadow on the outer corners of your eyelids, white on the inner-corners and underline your bottom lash-line with purple eyeshadow.
  3. Draw on your eyeliner as per-normal first, followed by your crease, extending the outer-end upwards to create an exaggerated wing and the inner-end down to the inner-corner of your eye.
  4. Draw on your cat whiskers!
  5. Create an inverted triangle on the tip of your nose, first by outlining it, then shading the inner portion.
  6. Apply red lipstick/liptint.
  7. Outline the shape of your lips with black eyeliner.
  8. Don't forget your coloured contact lenses if you want your eyes to stand out!

The liquid eyeliner I'm using here is from 1028 Magic - Really long lasting and it's waterproof with sharp and soft tips. Get something similar to this with a fine tip so that it makes it a lot easier to draw the lines.

Eyeshadow - Naked palette 1 and 3. Virgin, Blackout and Darkside.

Liptint - Benefit cosmetics.

Contacts lens - "Magic Brown" from Maxi Eyes.

TADA! You're done! :)

Hope it's not too complicated. Happy Halloween in advance :) Comment in the comments section and tell me what hairstyle and makeup you'd be doing for this Halloween!

How to prepare for an exam

My grades were always pretty good when I was in Primary school, but when I moved on to Secondary school, that was when everything started fluctuating. I hated school, my teachers and studying. I was so distracted with boys and friendship problems just like most teenagers would - That continued for quite awhile...

For some reason, my last relationship was like a wakeup call to my entire life. I'm in year 2, taking my diploma now and all I want is not only to do well in my studies, but do freaking well. I've been working really hard throughout the last 1.5 years and I've never worked any harder my entire life. Simply because I believe to be the best, one should never settle for less. What differentiates a student who scores "B" and another that scores "A" is the extra mile he/she is willing to take.

I've 3 goals in mind:
  1. To get into a good University.
  2. To prove to myself and people that I can do what I love (blogging and making videos) but still be able to stay focus in school.
  3. To prove my haters wrong by being successful.

We make the wrong choices sometimes, but as long as we are willing to face the problem and not run away from it, I believe it's never too late to change for the better. Education may not be everything, but it is important. I could easily give up studying now and rely on blogging and making videos to earn for a living, but to me, these are ephemeral and secondary. Besides, I enjoy the process of learning new things in school. I may not end up doing what I choose to major in now, but it's always good to acquire more knowledge, right?

So after all that grandmother-long story, here's how I usually prepare for an exam.

1) Stop Procrastinating

This is perhaps the simplest yet most difficult thing to do. When studying, suddenly clicking your pen seems way more interesting than reading through your notes. However, procrastination has to go.

Before you know it, your exams are tomorrow, you haven't started on anything, you start panicking, you stay up late, walk into the exam hall with eye bags nearly sagging to the ground, and you'd wish you did your revision way earlier.

Personally, I'd rather be "kiasu" and start a month in advance than to get in a fluster a week before my papers. Get it over and done with. When you start earlier and if you have things you're uncertain about, you'd still have time to clear your doubts and correct your mistakes. 

2) Avoid all distractions

If it takes ditching a whole episode of my fav drama, or to sacrifice a gathering with my friends, I would still do so. Missing out on your social life may be tough as hell, but it's indeed about learning to prioritise.

Chuck your phone aside, stay away from the computer, and in fact, you shouldn't be reading my blog right now if you haven't started studying haha.

Remember what you need to get done, all else shouldn't matter as long as they hinder you from reaching your goal.

3) Time Management

You know yourself best, if you can't retain everything you've learnt in a day, take a week. Spread it out. It's better to study one chapter a day than to force yourself to remember 10 chapters on the last day.

If you're a little more conscientious and if this helps, write a schedule so that you can keep track of your plans of that day and stick as close to it as possible. You don't wanna be over ambitious though, don't aim to finish everything within that day itself. Breaks are necessary to sorta refresh your mind every now and then.

4) Revision

Practice makes perfect. That's why I advised previously in point (1) to start studying earlier, because you'd need time to run through everything again so that you could get the hang of it, and be familiarised with your materials.

This helps to prevent yourself from forgetting what you've previously touched on as well, pretty much like a quick recap to stimulate your memory.

You'd like to start testing yourself or get someone else to do it, so that you'd have an idea of what are the things you should work on and what you're already good at. 

5) Sleep

I know a million people may have already reiterated the importance of sleep to you, but I'm also aware that most people wouldn't give a shit about it. I make sure that I have at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, and even if my work isn't completed, I'd still go to bed. Firstly, I know that any lesser amount of sleep, I'd lose focus the following day and I'd have the tendency of taking a nap which would waste unnecessary time. Secondly, our brain can only take up so much information, you don't wanna over exhaust it cos you might just end up forgetting everything you've learnt.

Having adequate amount of sleep and sleeping at the right timing is extremely vital. Many people love staying up late to revise right before the examination day, but that could really affect your focus level.

It's good to review all your notes right before bedtime so that it helps consolidate all the information in your memory, but it shouldn't take up the entire night.


Of course, all these may not work for every single one of you cos "studying-methods" vary from person to person, but these are just some generic ways I've been using to overcome my exams.

I feel that I don't belong to the extremely intellectual category where I could ace everything without studying, hence I take such precautions, but if you're a born genius then... Why are you even reading this in the first place? *Rolls eyes*

I know this post may sound pretty lame, but I genuinely wish it could help, even if it's only reassurance I give.

Good luck with your exams sweethearts.

To lighten up your mood a little, you can watch Jianhao's new video below! (Please don't learn from him hahaha though.)

Thank you for your support.

It's been a long and bumpy ride through the years. Despite all the negativity and how tough this journey was, I managed to pull through it all. And I wouldn't have been able to get to where I am today if it wasn't for those of you who stuck by me and showed endless support regardless of what my haters say. I'm truly blessed.

Comparing myself to international bloggers/influencers, I'm a pretty small fry, (I mean I don't even have the right to make such a comparison in the first place) but it still amazes me why people would wanna take a photo with me or even request for an autograph. I would gladly do so, but I just don't understand why. Hahaha, I don't feel like I'm worthy... You get what I mean?

This kinda explains why I'm usually very awkward around you guys. Not to mention, I still don't have a single clue how to respond when some of you meet me and tell me that you've been reading my blog since the day I first started, years back. Besides "Thank you" which might come off pretty effortless and insincere. :( Trust me, I'm just a nervous wreck sometimes. 

Anyway, it makes me happy to see how small little things like these can easily put a smile on your faces, so I guess the reasons are negligible.

I was at JCube the other day and for the benefit of those of you who have no idea what or where JCube is, JCube is a leisure and entertainment mall, which is pretty known for its gigantic ice rink and first IMAX cinema in Singapore’s suburbs. The mall boasts a unique faceted façade inspired by an ice cube, reflecting natural light by day and sparkling by night. Hahaha what fanciful words to describe this mall. Basically, a mall located in the western side of Singapore.

I've only been there once my entire life and there wasn't anything much during my last visit. However, I was invited to the launch of J.Avenue about two weeks back, and that was when I had a whole new experience.

Just a little background on what J.Avenue is, it houses some 70 shops offering a diverse selection of chic and affordable merchandise in a hip street shopping environment. It's pretty much like a bigger version of SCAPE'S underground mall I'd say. Not only do they cater to Fashion lovers, but from what I recalled, expect to find K-pop related gadgets, and a lot more other things - Such as shops that provide customising services etc.

Here are some of the pictures taken at the the J.Avenue's Filp-booth the other weekend.

Can you spot yourself? :p

Thank you so much for coming down! Especially those of you who travelled out of your way just for this event. I really, sincerely, appreciate the effort. And I'm sorry the haters can be really mean, even to you at times.

I hope you guys had fun! And to those of you who missed this out, don't worry!

Here are some upcoming events that Jianhao and I would be attending at JCube which you can look forward to!

October – Halloween @ J.Avenue
December – J.Flea
February – J.Mahjong

In the meantime, do head over to and follow @javenuesg on Instagram for more exciting updates!

Once again, thank you and I love you!

P/s We didn't hire the securities, they were hired by the management for safety issues. Just saying.